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Our guides

The main concept that we carry as the mission in our minds (and hearts) is to manage our efforts to your absolute satisfaction, and thus we designate our tour guides and operations team members with great care. We certainly don't want to get aligned with traditional "umbrella steered" tour entities and we have no ambition to substitute for teachers of history. We want to give you much more!

The aim of our walks is to share something new – some entertaining and sportful experience while strolling through the city. You can always expect a highly professional guidance with an individual and friendly approach. Your smile is the sign of our reward and we are always glad to feel your appreciation for having spent a worthwile time revealing some new and interesting knowledge about Prague.  

Each of our guides is dedicated to a specific area of walks and a target group of visitors. Thanks to the profiled coverage, each guide is able to prove his/her mastery to the maximum level of the desired service. We are glad to be of your service 7 days a week. 

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