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Topical walks

Would you like to learn more about Prague and recognize its characteristics more deeply, or would you rather prefer to stay with peripheral topics related to the city? In that case you can reach out for an option offered by our colourful portfolio focused at "Topical walks."

The intent of this specialized offer is to make you familiar with Prague seen through different historical and contemporary art styles, and to visit places typically connected with interesting topics, phenomena and famous personalities of the Czech history. We devote our high attention to fine arts which is our favourite field we specialize in.

Itinerary: Charles Square – Emmaus Monastery – Church of Our Lady of the Snows – Carolinum – House at the Stone Bell – Charles Street – Charles Bridge – Prague Castle

Meeting point: Charles Square (at the entrance to Emmaus Monastery)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 4 hours

Recommended for: adults, elementary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, families with children, seniors

Price: starting at 209 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

At the occassion of the 700th anniversary of the birth of the undoubtedly most famous Bohemian ruler we have prepared a new walk themed to cover places connected with the reign and royal feats of the ruler. As usual, beside flat historical facts known from school textbooks, you can expect some interesting narrations about high events and also some piquant details about the life of Charles IV.

Do you happen to know, for example, which one of his wives Charles IV loved the most and which one was considered the most beautiful among others? Or where was the abode of his illegitimate son? What were the weaknesses of the otherwise deservedly belauded emperor and which type of wine did he like the most? We will put together all of these pieces into one picture while strolling around Prague's historical center and we'll also share some legends – for example about the mystery of the death-bell which resounded high above the St. Vitus Cathedral and over the land shortly after Charles IV died, although there was no bell-ringer on duty at the time; and we shall hear many other tales. 

Our walk starts in Prague's New Town at the Emmaus Monastery founded by Charles IV; it was the only Slavonian monastery and the center of culture and art in western Europe which taught its scholars in Old Church Slavonic language. At this point we shall talk about the most interesting and important facts in Charles' IVth life and then we shall concentrate on his founding deeds and extensive activities in Prague. We can talk in more detail about the precious and admirable frescoes in the monastery, the so-called Emmaus Cycle. We shall continue our walk towards the Franciscan Garden and then we'll stop at the tallest among Prague's ecclesiastical structures – the Church of Our Lady of the Snows which was founded as a Carmelite order sanctuary one day after the coronation of Charles IV and his first wife, Blanche of Valois. Our next stop will be the Carolinum with an explanation of how the university functioned in the times of Charles IV; we shall visit the House at the Stone Bell, the former residence of both parents of the famous ruler – John of Luxembourg and Elisabeth of Bohemia. In the second half of our strolls through history we shall not leave out Charles Street in direction of Charles Bridge and we shall continue towards the Prague Castle and the St. Vitus Cathedral.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Prague and Charles IV: “Not only the delights of the homeland fathers“"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Old Town Bridge Tower – Bethlehem Chapel – Church of St. Martin in the Wall – Jan Hus Monument at Old Town Square – Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia – Church of Mother of God before Týn – Powder Tower – Vítkov

Meeting point: at the Old Town Bridge Tower (Knights of the Cross Square, Křížovnické náměstí)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: elementary school pupils, families with children, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

During this walk we can visit monuments and historically significant places connected with the eminent personality of Jan Hus: among the most remarkable are the Jan Hus Monument situated on Old Town Square and the Bethlehem Chapel. We will also stop by at other monuments commemorating the tumultous period in Czech history. You will come to know, for example, what were the circumstances under which the symbolic golden chalice on Tyn Church was replaced with the statue of Mary, who was Master Páleč whose ghost keeps haunting the Old Town till today, or why did Sophia, the spouse of Wenceslas IV, take the risk to defend Jan Hus, and who were the mistresses to King Sigismund.

Our narrations themed to this walk highlight the most important figures of the Hussite movement and the personality of King Wenceslas IV, whereas the trial with Jan Hus was commenced during his reign. We shall illuminate this topic at the beginning of our tour at Old Town Bridge Tower. You will come to know what was the mysterious brethren of the wheel and hammer which was founded by Wenceslas IV, respectively. We shall look into the case how it appeared between the ruler and his wife Sophia who openly supported Jan Hus, and whether the ruler had a mistress – a bathhouse attendant, and whether it was a known affair or perhaps just a rumour... We will continue to Bethlehem Chapel and let its ambience inspire us to understand the fate and philosophy of Jan Hus, we shall also listen to the legend of Master Páleč whose ghost allegedly haunts this area even today. Our next stop at the Church of St. Martin in the Wall is the place where communion in both kinds was served for the first time. Continuing to Michalská Street, we will mention the legend about the restless souls of the buried Hussites. Later on we'll see Jan Hus Monument on Old Town Square, Church of Mother of God before Týn, and a side cut towards the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia will draw us into the legend about how the whole complex was saved from the Hussites. Walking under the Powder Tower we will reach Vítkov Hill commemorating the Hussite leader Jan Žižka and we will listen to narrations depicitng Hussite wars.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Hussite Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Celetná Street – Old Town Square – Malé (Little) Square – Franz Kafka Square – Charles Street – Liliová Street – Kampa – Maltese Square – Mostecká (Bridge) Street – Tomášská Street – Nerudova Street – Jánský vršek Street – Úvoz Street

Meeting point: at the Powder Tower

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 4 hours

Recommended for: adults, elementary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, families with children, seniors

Price: starting at 209 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Prague justifies its appellation "magic" almost automatically; let's see, then, why has it deserved this connotation? Join us for a wonderful walk through Prague after the sunset and discover the most captivating mysteries and secrets imprinted in Prague's history.

During this topical walk we will be able to observe house signs on Prague buildings: walking down the Royal Route, we will literally keep our heads tilted back and our eyes fixed on above-door signs while we try to disclose some of the secrets and the history concealed behind the signs on many old-time Prague buildings. We might, for example, find out who used to live in the house At the Three Steps, why is the building on Jánský vršek hillside called At the Donkey by the Cradle, where does the fox from the house At the Blue Fox run out and away from Kampa island every night, or to whom does one of the houses located on Franz Kafka Square owe its name: At the Green Frog. 

We will follow the traditional tourist route from Powder Tower to the Prague Castle, the so-called Royal Route, and on our way we will be able to fix our attention at the most remarkable house signs. The first object of our interest is the house At the Golden Angel in Celetná Street which used to be a luxury hotel for prominent guests. The tale linked to the House at the Golden Ring will accompany us when we stroll on and observe the house signs awaiting us at Old Town Square. From here, we shall set off to Little Square and listen to the story about three proud daughters who used to live here, and then we shall direct our steps towards Franz Kafka Square and the house At the Green Frog. The Charles Street and Liliová Street certainly keep up the fame for their elaborated house signs, worth mentioning are the House of the Vořechovský Family or the House at the Golden Snake. A highly interesting figuration on the house sign is a blue fox on the gable decorating the house on Kampa island; for a long time, historians took the depiction for a wolf. Similarly themed attributes given to house signs have been carrried on for ages as can be seen today in the Lesser Quarter which apparently keeps pace with the Old Town in this manner, and we can discover the charm of stories about house owners and long-ago events concealed within the walls of these houses. For example, we may perhaps never discover why one of the houses in Nerudova Street carries a white beetroot featured in its sign, but you will certainly hear the whole legend why is the house located on Jánský vršek hillside named At the Donkey by the Cradle. We will finalize our tour when we enter Hradčany area and see the houses At White Ball and At the Three Red Hearts.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Hidden Magic of House Signs"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Kinský Palace – St. Nicholas Church on Old Town Square – Platnéřská Street – Charles Street – Liliová Street – Bethlehem Square – Faust House – Emmaus Monastery - Vyšehrad Castle hilltop

Meeting point: in front of Kinský Palace on Old Town Square

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, adults

Accompanying programme (per order): ghosts in costumes

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Do you happen to know why a crying baby can be heard on the ground in front of Kinsky Palace at Old Town Square on the Day of the Holy Innocents? And that you may come upon an eerie-looking quarrelling couple – a wench and chaplain – in Celetná Street by night? If you find yourself in Liliová Street, just look out, the headless Knight-Templar on horseback might be galloping past you... Can't believe it? Come along with us to the most mystical places in Prague! We will share some nice horror stories and frightful tales about Prague ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, mysterious spots and haunted buildings. Well, who knows – we can simply run into a ghost here and there during our walk...

Our starting point is Kinský Palace on Old Town Square, the appropriate place where to listen to one of the most terrifying legends about the child bound by a curse. Once released from the narration, we will walk down the undoubtedly spookiest lane in Prague - it is the Charles Street characterized by the highest incidence of ghosts. We will proceed to Charles Square with one of the most darksome and mystical buildings in Prague - the Faust House, and we will hear the legend about the culprit called "Emauz Devil." Finally, we will reach the Vyšehrad rocky hilltop and get acquainted with local nighttime revelations and fearsome tales which give you the right goose bumps.
Dagmar Koudelková 
Thank you, Eliška, once more for the beautiful afternoon, the gripping narration about Prague, the ghosts and water sprites. It was a nice experience and we really enjoyed it. :-)

Martina Koppová 
Hello, we would like to thank you for yesterday's spooky walk through Prague. The narration was interesting and highly instructive. It was apparent that our guide Pavel really understands his "job." We will certainly recommend you further on and we will plan another walk with you.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Spooky Walk Prague I."

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Dlážděná Street – Truhlářská Street – Church of St. James – Church of St. Martin in the Wall – Perlová Street – Rejdiště – Charles Bridge – Sněmovní Street – Wallenstein Square – Prague Castle

Meeting point: at the Powder Tower

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, adults

Accompanying programme (per order): ghosts in costumes

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Due to the high response received for our specialized walk Spooky Walk Prague I, we have decided to organize its continuation and introduce some new ghosts; you can look forward to many legends and tales about supernatural apparitions and scary revelations which are home in old-time Prague. And not only shall we talk about those ghosts, but be prepared we might even see some of them with our own eyes... So don't hesitate, come with us and enjoy some entertaining and frightful moments with Hundred Spires Stories!

We will set out across Old Town, over the Charles Bridge all the way to Lesser Quarter and Prague Castle. On our way through Old Town lanes we will talk, for example, about the mad old dame from Dlážděná Street, or the butcher with a glowing axe, or the wandering organ player. When we cross the river we can expect to see the ghost of Naked Cecilie (interesting especially for gentlemen), or the headless night watchman, the quack doctor's ghost and many other apparitions from the assembly of old-time legends.
Dagmar Koudelková 
Thank you, Eliška, once more for the beautiful afternoon, the gripping narration about Prague, the ghosts and water sprites. It was a nice experience and we really enjoyed it. :-)

Martina Koppová 
Hello, we would like to thank you for yesterday's spooky walk through Prague. The narration was interesting and highly instructive. It was apparent that our guide Pavel really understands his "job." We will certainly recommend you further on and we will plan another walk with you.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Spooky Walk Prague II."

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: House at the Stone Bell – Old-New Synagogue – Old Town Bridge Tower – St. John of Nepomuk sculpture – Brunswick sculpture – Prague Castle – Loretánské Square

Meeting point: in front of the House at the Stone Bell

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, secondary school students, university students, adults

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

During this topical walk we will basically take the most popular tourist route from Old Town Square to Prague Castle, and under our guidance and narrations you will be able to feel the surroundings interlaced with mystical attributes and long-ago mysteries connected with different places and monuments.

The starting point of our walk is the House at the Stone Bell situated in Old Town Square, allegedly the entry section of the secret underground passage leading to the closely located Church of Our Lady before Tyn. Resuming our walk we will stop in the Jewish Quarter at the Old-New Synagogue, the site of the famous legend about the Prague Golem, the artificial man made of clay. Walking along Charles Street we will reach the mystical Old Town Bridge Tower decorated with an unusual iconography depicting kingfishers. Stepping onto Charles Bridge, we are awaited by the Brunswick sculpture – we can ask who was Brunswick and whom does the statue represent? Will we succeed in revealing the secret of the statue featuring St. John of Nepomuk and the mystery of "Two Johns" of whom one was tortured and thrown into the river, either John of Nepomuk, or Johánek of Pomuk? Seldom someone knows that Prague has got its own water monsters: we will look into this topic on our way across the bridge. Lesser Quarter is shrouded in the mystic haze of unrevealed secrets – we can expect to hear tales about the promontory called Žiži, the mystical threshold in the Golden Lane safeguarded by dark powers, or the mysterious sword and armory deposited in the church treasury at St. Vitus Cathedral. We will round off our walk at Loreta Square famous for the carillon and connected with the tale about princess Drahomíra who fell into the infernal abyss, or the infernal subscription made according to the legend. Before we part, we will mention a more recent apparition, so-called "Springer" – a spring-heeled phantom appearing all over Prague.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Mysterious Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Royal Garden with Queen Anne's Summer Palace – Prague Castle 2nd courtyard – St. Vitus Cathedral – Vladislav Hall – Charles Bridge – Old Town Bridge tower – former Bohemian queens' court in Old Town

Meeting point: at the entrance to Royal Garden

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, adults, seniors, couples looking for a romantic walk

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

This walk is designated to couples in love as well as to anyone else who wants to recognize the most romantic places in Prague and share some piquant stories from the lives of Bohemian kings and queens. You can look forward to hear romantic tales full of love, you can share some tragical and sad love stories, or narrations about the most charming courtesans and beautiful mistresses who had influence over the rulers, and you will hear who were the most passionate lovers among the kings.

We will walk through the Prague Castle area and descend to Lesser Quarter, and then we will continue across Charles Bridge to the legendary Old Town Bridge Tower. We will end our walk at the site of the former Bohemian queens' court in Old Town.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Loves and Wrinkles of Czech Kings"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Břevnov Monastery Brewery of St. Adalbert – Strahov Monastery Brewery – Vinohradský Pivovar 

Meeting point: in front of St. Margaret Church in Břevnov

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: teambuilding activity for companies, adults

Price: TBA – price includes: guide's commentary, excursion in each visited brewery (length about 15 min), 2 small beers for tasting in each brewery

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Almost everyone knows about the existence of major Czech breweries – Plzeňský Prazdroj or Krušovice, among others. Let us point out that also Prague maintains its own rich "ale brewing" history carried on in craft beer breweries and beer parlors which are truly worth visiting to understand the real taste of traditional local specialties. In cooperation with our friendly maltsters we have selected three small Prague breweries with a long tradition, typical style and above all – excellent beer to satisfy beer lovers among our visitors. In the 1st phase of our Beer Tour you can take delight in the golden fluid with all of your senses during our visit to the Břevnov Monastery Brewery of St. Adalbert, or the Strahov Monastery Brewery and Vinohradský Pivovar brewery.

We will start our excursion at the Brewery of St. Adalbert at Břevnov Monastery. Before the whole peloton sets out for the journey, we'll say a few words about the history of the brewery and generally the beer brewing tradition in Prague. We will then step into the bowels of this unique facility, and in the beer-tasting process we'll receive a huge update on craft beer brewing from the local maltster. Energized by the first permissible dose we shall continue at a relaxed foot-pace to our second stopover at Strahov. Also here, you will receive plenty of interesting information about the local brewery and you'll be able to sample beer specialties on the list. In a good mood (how else) we shall continue to our destination point – Vinohradský Pivovar brewery; We can expect a tour of the brewery interiors and sampling of the excellent local eleven degree beer and other specialties which marks the official conclusion of our tour. However, this need not be the end of our action – we can make a reservation for you at the local restaurant where you can spend a pleasant evening with good dinner and drink.
Šárka Kotlanová 
I attended the 1st phase of the Beer Tour and I can strongly recommend it – super organization, friendly guide and excellent beer :-) We are looking forward to the 2nd phase.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Beer tour I."

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Jihoměstský brewery – Pivovar Hostivař brewery – Vinohradský Pivovar brewery

Meeting point: in front of Jihoměstský brewery (Podjavorinské Street No. 1602/11, Prague 4 - Chodov)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: teambuilding activity for companies, adults

Price: TBA – price includes: guide's commentary, excursion in each visited brewery (length about 15 min), 2 small beers for tasting in each brewery

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Almost everyone knows about the existence of major Czech breweries – Plzeňský Prazdroj or Krušovice, among others. To deepen your knowledge, we have to point out that even Prague holds its own rich "ale brewing" history carried on with its craft beer breweries and beer parlors which are truly worth visiting so that you get the real taste of traditional local specialties. Due to the highly successful 1st phase of our Beer Tour we have decided together with our friendly maltsters to select three more breweries for you. This time we shall visit Jihoměstský brewery, Pivovar Hostivař brewery and Vinohradský Pivovar brewery.

Our starting position is Jihoměstský Pivovar brewery located in Prague's South City (Jižní Město). We will make a short introduction into the history of beer brewing in our lands and then we'll step forward to our first excursion and beer tasting session; the maltster will tell you plenty of interesting information about this microbrewery and you'll be able to give him questions about everything you may want to know on the "ale" subject. Later on we'll catch a bus and move on to Pivovar Hostivař brewery for another round of tasting craft beers and attending a sightseeing tour at this beer facility with an interesting history. Our last stop is Vinohradský Pivovar brewery; we'll reach it by bus, too. We can expect a tour of the brewery interiors and sampling of the excellent local eleven degree beer and other specialties which marks the official conclusion of our tour. However, this need not be the end of our action – we can make a reservation for you at the local restaurant where you can spend a pleasant evening with good dinner and drink.
Šárka Kotlanová 
I attended the 1st phase of the Beer Tour and I can strongly recommend it – super organization, friendly guide and excellent beer :-) We are looking forward to the 2nd phase.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Beer tour II."

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Kinský Palace – Kaiserstein Palace – Straka of Nedabylice Palace – Ledebour Palace – Schwarzenberg Palace – Czernin Palace

Meeting point: in front of Kinský Palace on Old Town Square

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

As apparent already from the name, this specialized walk will let us focus our attention to the most interesting and beautiful palace structures in the centre of Prague. Our narrations are not reduced only to the history of these buildings, on the contrary, we will look into legends and mystical, even spooky stories connected with many of these places...

Starting our walk we will set out on the seemingly calm, traditional route from Old Town across Charles Bridge and through Lesser Quarter to Prague Castle and Hradčany area. Strolling through the streets you will be kept alert and informed by our narrations and tales - for example the terrifying legend about the walled child in Kinský Palace. On our way we can view Kaiserstein Palace, the Straka of Nedabylice Palace (otherwise the Seven Devils House), the Ledebour (Lichtenstein) Palace, Schwarzenberg Palace, Czernin Palace and other grandiose structures.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
obrazek1 obrazek2


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Stories of Prague Palaces"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Adria Palace – Commercial Bank building at Na Poříčí – National Bank – Prague Castle – Baba residential zone

Meeting point: Jungmannovo Square

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 4 hours

Recommended for: adults, seniors

Accompanying programme: relaxation at original First Republic-styled cafeteria Šlágr 

Price: starting at 209 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– public transport fares not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

This trip will take us to places related to a very interesting and unique period of the Czech history, of the so called First Czechoslovak Republic that existed from 1918 to 1938 and represents the youth of our grandmas. At that time, Czechoslovakia broke free from the German domination and the dependence on the Hapsburg monarchy and a new, independent Czechoslovak Republic was established, led by the first president Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Although it did not last long, unfortunately, the capital of Prague expanded and many interesting buildings were built during the two decades. It was also a very flourishing time for arts, especially film industry. Luxurious villas were built for Czech stars of the silver screen and the cream of society by the most distinguished Czech architects. 

Would you like to listen to stories and rumours around the private life of Czech stars of that era, such as Lída Baarová, the mistress of the Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, or the famous actor and gentleman Oldřich Nový? Would you like to know who were the lovers of the most beautiful Czech actor of the era, Adina Mandlová, or who was the first lady that appeared naked on the silver screen in Czechoslovakia? Are you interested in fashion trends of that time and would like to learn where the most wealthy celebrities liked to go shopping? Come and learn all that with us! 

We will start in the centre of Prague where we will visit a Rondocubist palace “Adria”, followed by other administration buildings constructed during this period, which are seats of two banks now, “Komerční banka”, and more importantly, the Czech National Bank, the central bank of the Czech Republic. Right after, we will continue to Prague Castle and admire the neo-functionalist features renovated and designed by a Slovene architect Jože Plečnik. He was also the creator of an extraordinary church located in Jiřího z Poděbrad Square, which will also be one of our stops. A typical inter-war quarters are Dejvice and residential zones Hanspaulka, Ořechovka and Baba, featuring many impressive villas. We will have a look at the most beautiful ones and finish our journey in Barrandov, a district situated on the Barrandov rock where you can find film studios, for example. “Barrandov Terraces”, a complex of buildings with a scenic restaurant and a swimming pool, were frequented by visitors until the early 80s. The ruins that have, unfortunately, remained are still waiting for restoration. Nevertheless, we will be able to see period photographs of the complex and learn about its sad history.

To top off our trip, we must not forget to order some refreshment in a stylish café called Šlágr (“Hit”) where they play oldies of this magnificent era. In addition, each of the participants will receive a gift, a CD with an old Czech inter-war movie. 

Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Vices and Virtues of the Stars of the Inter-War Era I."

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Hybernská Street No. 1001 (former Cabaret Red Seven) – Lucerna club & café – Komedie Theatre (former Theatre of Vlasta Burian) – Na Prádle Theatre (former Liberated Theatre of Voskovec & Werich)

Meeting point: at the powder Tower

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 4 hours

Recommended for: adults, seniors

Accompanying programme (per order): time off at Café Lounge

Price: starting at 209 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

TThanks to the high response to our walks focused at Vices and Virtues of the Stars of the Inter-War Era I. during the First Czechoslovak Republic, we decided to extend on this interesting subject and include some more topics related to this era: theatres, cabarets and photography.

Our trip starts in Hybernská Street No. 1001, the former site of the first Prague Cabaret Red Seven (Červená sedma). We will continue towards the Lucerna club & café and we'll talk about the history of the popular music bar and cabaret. In the following sequence we shall talk about the unforgettable actor Vlasta Burian and his theatre which used to reside on the premises of today's theatre named Komedie. To make the topical picture complete, we will move to Lesser Quarter and Na Pradle Theatre – originally the avant-garde theatre scene named Liberated Theatre Prague (Osvobozené divadlo) conducted by Voskovec & Werich in the era of the Czechoslovak First Republic. The legendary play "Vest Pocket Revue" was staged on this scene for the first time. We will talk about literature, drama and Burlesque style while we stroll into that era...

We'll relocate to a new position for some good refreshment & coffee break at the marvelous Café Lounge located in Újezd Street.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk " Vices and Virtues of the Stars of the Inter-War Era II"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: convent exterior - interiors (library halls, gallery, historical halls of the convent, Strahov Church)

Meeting point: at the entrance to Strahov Monastery

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 2 hours

Recommended for: secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 133 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises:

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– admission fees to premises are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

This topical walk will take us all the way up the hillside above Prague Castle; we will have the opportunity to visit the interiors of Strahov Monastery which treasures the valuable heritage.

Upon commencing our tour we will give you basic information about the Premonstratensian Order and a brief outline of the monastery history. Afterwards we will enter the interiors - the centrepiece are two magnificently decorated spacious halls sheltering one of the most significant libraries in the Bohemian lands that you can ever see. You will learn about interesting items in the library and about events which took place in these rooms. Our tour would not be complete if we don't visit the picture gallery, historical halls of the Convent and the Strahov Church.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
obrazek1 obrazek2


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "The Mysterious Library of the Premonstratensians"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: St. Nicholas Church on Old Town Square – Church of St. Nicholas in Lesser Quarter – Vrtba Palace – Church of St. Margaret in Břevnov

Meeting point: in front of St. Nicholas Church on Old Town Square

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 4 hours

Recommended for: 2nd level elementary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 209 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– public transport fares not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Two famous architects of the same family name, Christoph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer (father and son), were undoubtedly the most prominent architects and leading Baroque builders in Bohemia and Moravia. We will be glad to show you their architectural masterpieces in Prague.

During our itinerancy following the milestones of Baroque architecture and accomplishments in the lives of both masters, we will be able to see the St. Nicholas Church in Lesser Quarter, or the sanctuary of the same name located on Old Town Square, the Church of St. Margaret within the monastery complex in Břevnov, or the Vrtba Palace.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Remarkable Works of the Dientzenhofers in Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Bust of Jaroslav Ježek in Vodičkova street – The Blue Room in Kaprova street

Meeting point: Vodičkova Street in front of ABC Theatre

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 2 hours

Recommended for: secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 133 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises:

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– admission fees to premises are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Join us for this topical walk which takes us to the house in Kaprova Street: you will have the rare occassion to see the unique Blue Room, the place where the famous composer and pianist Jaroslav Ježek, featured with his typical round-shaped eyeglasses, resided and worked. As we can see today, the interior is furnished in the functionalist style according to the jazz author's wish. The author of this design was his friend architect František Zelenka who was also the author of scenic designs for the Liberated Theatre. The Blue Room interior and a complete set of scores and materials documenting the creative musical heritage of Ježek's work have been preserved thanks to Ježek’s mother - Františka Ježková, and later his sister – Jarmila Strnadová. You can see the original Ježek's piano, library and phonograph recordings. 

Our meeting point is Vodičkova Street in front of ABC Theatre: the bust of Jaroslav Ježek is installed in the lower basement of the vestibule, created by Vladimír Preclík in 1959. We will talk about interesting facts in the life and work of the famous composer, pianist and conductor, especially about his activity in the Liberated Theatre and his friendship with Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich. Later on we will take you for a sightseeing tour to the Blue Room in Kaprova Street. You can listen to some reproduced parts of Ježek's musical pieces as the grand conclusion of our tour.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Jaroslav Ježek's Dark Blue World"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Gothic house No. 16/403 in Rytířská Street – Fruit Market – Gothic oriel-Charles University – Coal Market – Church of St. Martin in the Wall– Bethlehem Chapel – House at the Stone Bell – Church of Our Lady before Tyn – Old-New Synagogue – Convent of St. Agnes – Church of St. Castulus – Powder Tower – Church of Our Lady of the Snows – Můstek metro station – Prague Castle

Meeting point: in front of Prague Estates Theatre

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 3 hours

Recommended for: families with children, elementary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, adults

Accompanying programme (per order): music performance with period costumes, special art workshop 

Price: starting at 171 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

How did Prague look like in the "dark middle ages?" How was life in the medieval city and what was the city's appearance? Where were markets laid out, where and how could people study? You have been questing for this topic on our offer – and here it is! Aside from erudite and colorful narrations about philosophy, architecture and art in medieval Prague, the scenario of this walk can include special medieval-themed music performances or creative art workshops per your wish.

Our walk starts with an introductory narration in Rytířská – Knights' Street in front of the typical Gothic house No. 16/403. Our itinerary covers the most remarkable monuments and locations carrying the long-ago imprint of medieval life and traditions in Prague of those past ages. Our next stop is the Fruit Market (Ovocný trh) and the historical Charles University building with an impressive Gothic oriel window; the surroundings will inspire us to talk about study & education in the medieval ages. We proceed to the Coal Market (Uhelný trh), the Church of St. Martin in the Wall and the Bethlehem Chapel. When we reach Old Town Square we can admire one of the very few Gothic houses preserved in an authentic layout - the House at the Stone Bell. We will look into the interesting history of the Church of Our Lady before Tyn. Our next steps will take us past the Old-New Synagogue towards the St. Agnes Convent which shelters a collection of Gothic art, then we'll continue to the Church of St. Castulus. Finally, we will stroll into New Town and past Powder Tower to The Church of Our Lady of the Snows and to Můstek metro station. According to your plans, some of you may conclude the tour at Prague Castle with us to learn more about the treasure and watch a topical musical performance, while some of you may prefer an art workshop to learn more about medieval aesthetics and perception of beauty and ugliness.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Medieval Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: remnants of the Church of the Virgin Mary, Prague Castle – St. George’s Basilica – Black Tower – bridge tower of Judith Bridge with Roman relief – Knights of Malta commandery – House of the Lords of Kunštát – Church of St. Peter in Poříčí – St. Longin’s Rotunda – St. Wenceslas’ Church – St. Martin’s Rotunda – St. Lawrence’s Basilica at Vyšehrad Castle

Meeting point: at the main entrance to the Prague Castle complex

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: 2nd level elementary school pupils, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

The notion of the “Romanesque art” saw the light of the day in 1818 and its author was Charles de Gerville, inspired by the term “Romance languages” as a designation of dialects based on Latin. The pre-Romanesque and Romanesque art dates back to the long period between the 9th and the 13th centuries. This era was characteristic for deep cognition, learning and spirituality.

The oldest Romanesque sights in Prague are to be found in the Prague Castle complex where prince Bořivoj moved his seat from Levý Hradec in the 880s. The subsequent progressive transformation of settlements to villages with stone houses was probably quite fast, as documented by an evidence of a Jewish-Arab merchant Ibrâhîm ibn Ya`qûb dating back to 965 and describing impressive stone houses of rich merchants and an important market located in “Vyšehradská” Street. In the 12th century already, Prague could be described as a city. An important phase in its development started in the second half of the 12th century: The first stone bridge over the River Vltava was built between 1158 and 1172, which led to the construction of a number of buildings on both banks. 

The first stone building of Prague Castle was the Church of the Virgin Mary. You will be able to see its remains when passing between the second courtyard and the Garden on the Bastion. It was re-built by Duke Spytihněv I shortly after that. A bit later, St. Vitus’ Rotunda was built on the 3rd courtyard, which would become the place of St. Wenceslas’ burial later. In the 11th century it was rebuilt into a much larger temple. However, other Romanesque sights such as St. George’s Basilica, Black Tower and a bridge tower of Judith Bridge have remained unchanged until today. The eastern side of Judith bridge tower features an exceptional example of the 12th century sculpture, a Romanesque relief depicting two figures: a sitting ruler and a man kneeling below him. We will contemplate together who the two men might actually be.

From Charles Bridge we will pop out to the Knights of Malta commandery, where we will have a look at the original walls of a three-aisled basilica, to follow to Řetězová Street in the Old Town, to the House of the Lords of Kunštát featuring a Romanesque ground floor. In the New Town, on the other hand, we will visit St. Peter’s Church in Poříčí, St. Longin’s Rotunda and St. Wenceslas’ Church. We will finish our trip at St. Lawrence’s Basilica and St. Martin’s Rotunda at the Vyšehrad Castle. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Prague of the Romanesque Period"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Můstek metro station – Rytířská Street – Coal Market – Church of St. Martin in the Wall – Bethlehem Chapel – House at the Stone Bell – Old-New Synagogue – Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia – St. Castulus’ Church – Church of Our lady before Týn – Powder Tower – St. Stephen’s Church – New Town Hall – convent Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Charles the Great – Church of Our Lady of the Snows – St. Vitus Cathedral

Meeting point: Můstek metro station

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: 2nd level elementary school pupils, secondary school students, adults, seniors

Accompanying programme: display of Gothic art collection at the National Gallery

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

The word “Gothic”, used as a synonym for “Barbaric”, referring to a barbarian tribe of Goths – in other words, the Germans – was first mentioned in the 15th century by Italian humanists Filarete and Manetti; Giorgio Vasari used this term referring to the “barbarian” style preceding Renaissance in the 16th century. The main form of Gothic art became a cathedral. 

Our tour to the Gothic Prague will start at the Můstek metro station. The name itself is a reminder of a small bridge, “můstek”, over a former moat. We will go to Rytířská Street where we will see an early Gothic tower building and pass over the Uhelný trh to St. Martin’s Church in the Wall. Another interesting building is situated in a nearby square: a renovated Bethlehem Chapel, founded in 1391.

Passing to Old Town Square we will stop by the Stone Bell House and move to the Old New Synagogue and the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, displaying collections of Gothic paintings and sculptures of the National Gallery. We will come back to the square, passing around St. Castulus’ Church, to the Church of Mother of God before Týn and then move to the Powder Tower. We will follow to a small square called the Fruit Market (Ovocný trh) and a building of the Charles University, Karolinum, boasting a gothic part of the corner. In the New Town, for a change, we will admire St. Stephen’s Church, the New Town Hall and the convent church of the Virgin Mary and Charles the Great. 

From Karlov we will return to the city centre through Jungmannova Street, passing along the Church of Saint Mary Major. To top off our tour, we will cross Charles Bridge to Prague Castle and the greatest gem of Gothic architecture to be found in Prague: St. Vitus’ Cathedral!
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Gothic Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Vladislav Hall – Royal Mausoleum in St. Vitus Cathedral – Golden Lane – Queen Ann’s Summer Residence – Ball Game Hall – Sternberg Palace – Thun-Hohenstein Palace – water tower in Lesser Quarter – House At the Three Ostriches – Pinkas Synagogue – House At the Minute – Ungelt – New Town Hall – Podskalí – Hvězda (Star) Summer Palace

Meeting point: Prague Castle (3rd courtyard)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, adults, seniors

Accompanying programme: display of Renaissance art collection at the National Gallery

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: Sternberg Palace -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Renaissance was a major breakthrough in architecture, as opposed to Medieval architecture. In Bohemia and Moravia the bearers of the new style were the Italians. Renaissance brought about the boom in the construction of forts, chateaux and gardens. The direct influence of Italian art dates back to the accession of Ferdinand I, the Holy Roman Emperor to the Czech throne. 

The first Renaissance features at Prague Castle are said to be the windows of Vladislav Hall. A nice example of Renaissance architecture is also the south portal of St. George’s Basilica. In the cathedral we will visit the marble Royal Mausoleum and walk through Golden Lane, founded under the reign of the emperor Rudolf II. The Royal Garden saw the light of the day in 1534. We will go there and have a look at the Renaissance Queen Ann’s Summer Residence, the Singing Fountain and the Ball Game Hall. 

After that we will go back to Hradčanské Square, featuring two Renaissance palaces: Schwarzenberg Palace and Martinický Palace. We will also see the Hradčany Town Hall. Inside Sternberg Palace we will admire High Renaissance and Mannerist artworks belonging to the National Gallery collections. In the Lesser Town we will pass along Thunovský Palace, Lesser Town water tower and the House At the Three Ostriches which feature preserved fragments of Renaissance murals. 

In the Old Town we will visit the Pinkas Synagogue, a former market called Ungelt, the “Minute” House, the “U Vejvodů” House and the House At the Two Golden Bears. In the New Town is located a Renaissance bell tower of St. Peter’s Church, a parochial school by St. Henry’s Church and the New Town Hall. Vyšehradská Street will take us to a quarter called Podskalí which used to be a settlement of Prague raftsmen. 

We will find there a former customs house which will be our last stop on our journey through the Renaissance Prague. If we have enough time and energy left, we may head off to the Letohrádek Hvězda or Star Summer Palace. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Renaissance Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Baroque sculpture by Matthias Bernard Braun in the vestibule of Malostranská metro station – Wallenstein Garden and Palace – Ledebour Palace – Prague Castle – Archbishop's Palace – Schwarzenberg Palace – Czernin Palace – Loretto – St. Nicholas Church in Lesser Quarter – St. Thomas Church – Vrtba Palace – Church of Our Lady Victorious – Baroque sculptures on Charles Bridge – Church of the Holy Saviour – Clam–Gallas Palace – St. Nicholas Church on Old Town Square – Church of St. Ignatius on Charles Square (Karlovo náměstí)

Meeting point: Malostranská metro station vestibule

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, adults, seniors

Accompanying programme: display of Baroque art collection at the National Gallery

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: Schwarzenberg Palace -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

The beginnings of baroque architecture in the Czech Republic can be traced back to the royal court of the emperor Rudolf II. Whereas early baroque in Bohemia dates back to 1618–1700, the high baroque could be described as a period between 1700 and 1740. The late baroque period corresponds with the reign of the Empress Maria Theresa. 

We will start our journey around the most important baroque sights to be found in Prague in the hall of the Malostranská metro station. When leaving the underground we will notice a replica of a typical baroque sculpture, a work by Matthias Bernard Braun. We will follow to the Wallenstein Garden and Wallenstein Palace, often referred to as the first baroque building in Prague. On the northern edge of Valdštejnské Square is located Ledebour Palace, created from several renovated Renaissance buildings.

From there we will go up to Prague castle, re-built under the reign of the Empress Maria Theresa. We will follow to Schwarzenberg Palace, displaying a permanent collection of Czech baroque art. We will stop by Archbishop Palace and the Marian Column and we will visit Černín Palace, Loreta and the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. 

Moving to the Lesser Town we will have an opportunity to see more gems of baroque architecture: the House At the Two Suns and Thun-Hohenstein (or Tuscan) Palace located in Nerudova Street, St. Nicholas’ Church, Kaiserstein Palace, Vrtbovský Palace and the Church of Our Lady of Victory. On Charles Bridge we will admire baroque sculptural groups and talk about St. Salvator’s Church and St. Francis of Assisi Church situated near a former Jesuit college called Clementinum, featuring a baroque astronomical tower. And nearby, in Husova Street, is situated a beautiful Clam-Gallas Palace.

We will then move to Old Town Square and its St. Nicholas’ Church, built by Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer, and follow to the Church of St. James the Greater. In the New Town there is another baroque church, St. Ignatius’ Church, located in Charles Square. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Baroque Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Masaryk Station – Straka Academy – Mánes Bridge – Rudolfinum – Smetana Embankment – National Theatre – Žofín Palace – Café Slavia – Estates (Stavovské) Theatre – U Hybernů Palace – St. Cross Church in Panská Street – Wiehl House on Wenceslas Square – National Museum – State Opera – Church of St. Ludmila on Peace Square (Náměstí Míru)

Meeting point: in front of the Masaryk's Station building

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

In the 19th century the Czech society started to withdraw from religion and nature became the symbol of freedom and a paragon inspiring art. A new trend of “antique-mania” and a desire to visit exotic countries started to prevail. In addition, the first half of the 19th century was marked by an interest in English culture and art. The period of Romanticism was followed by purism and historicism and the first transport and industrial buildings were built.

The first railway station in Prague – Masaryk Railway Station – was built in 1845 and that is where we will meet and start our tour through the 19th century Prague. 

We will continue to the quarter of Klárov where Straka’s Academy, the seat of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, is located and follow to Mánes Bridge and the Rudolfinum, built by architects Josef Zítek and Josef Schulz. 

We will pass along Smetana quay, the first Prague quay created in the 1840s. Our essential stop will then be the National Theatre, built by Josef Zítek. A nice island is located nearby which was originally called “Barvířský”, referring to dyers who settled there, and later nicknamed “Žofín” after the Princess Sophia. Today it is called the Slavonic Island (Slovanský ostrov) and we will admire its Neo-Renaissance building, built in 1837, which hosts ceremonial cultural events and balls in particular. 

We will take a stroll along the avenue of Národní třída from there, passing along the Slavia café to the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Národní třída features a number of buildings from this specific historical period, such as “Platýz” (Halibut) Palace, the first rental house in Prague renovated at the beginning of the 19th century in classicistic style. We will head off to another theatre: the Estates Theatre, founded by František Antonín Count Nostitz Rieneck in 1781. We will continue via the Fruit Market to the Powder Tower and have a look at the newly renovated U Hybernů Palace and the Saint Cross Church, located at the corner of Na Příkopě and Panská Streets at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is one of a handful of churches built in this era. 

The 19th century meant a tremendous boom for Wenceslas Square, too. In this perspective Wiehl House, in particular, is worth mentioning. The climax of the revivalist effort of the Czech nation was the construction of the National Theatre as well as the National Museum, situated on top of the square. However, we must not forget about another cultural venue located nearby, the State Opera House – originally the New German Theatre – built by Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer between 1886 and 1887. Taking the tube from the Muzeum station we will move to Náměstí Míru, featuring St. Ludmila’s Church. We will also go to Prague Castle, namely St. George’s Convent, and visit the permanent exhibition of Czech paintings and sculptures from the 19th century. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
obrazek1 obrazek2 obrazek3 obrazek4


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "19th Century Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Čech Bridge – New Town Hall on Mariánské Square – Municipal House – Hotel Paris – Hotel Central in Hybernská Street – Produce Exchange building on Senovážné Square – Alphonse Mucha Museum – Pelikán Restaurant – Hotel Ammbasador – Peterka's House – U Nováků House – Topič House – Goethe Institute – Vinohrady Theatre – Vinohrady Market Hall

Meeting point: at Čech Bridge (riverside along the Faculty of Law)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, adults, seniors

Accompanying programme: visit to the Mucha Museum

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: Museum of Alphonse Mucha -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Art Nouveau or Secession (from a Latin word “secessio”) means originally a separation, detachment or a rupture. As a name of the specific style of art it means a protest, the opposite and a separation of young artists, in particular, from the older generation. Art Nouveau had a significant impact on the lifestyle of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. It was characteristic for its rich ornamental decoration, colours and the use of various materials. 

Čech Bridge was built in the Art Nouveau style and we will start there our journey to the world of ornaments and decoration, very much typical of Prague. In Maiselova Street nearby is located a house built in 1911 with an entrance surrounded by two sculptures of beautiful women. We will follow to Mariánské Square with the Prague City Hall (New town hall), a complex of buildings in the late Art Nouveau style designed by an architect Fridrich Ohmann. 

We will get to Republic Square over Old Town Square where we will admire the Municipal House and the Hotel Paris. Some of the most valuable sights of the Art Nouveau period are the Hotel Central, located in Hybernská Street, and the former Produce Exchange building situated nearby, in Senovážné Square. After that we will visit a small museum of Alfons Mucha in Panská Street for a change, which is dedicated to the most famous Art Nouveau painter who won great renown in France and even the USA. Having seen his decorative panels we will follow to the “Pelican” Restaurant, built between 1904 and 1906. 

In Wenceslas Square we will have an opportunity to see several Art Nouveau houses and also the Hotel Ambassador – The Golden Goose, the Peterka House built by Jan Kotěra, the Grand Hotel Evropa, the Hotel Meran and the Hotel Palace. In Vodičkova Street is located a former department store “U Nováků”, decorated with a beautiful mosaic. In Spálená Street we will see the Česká pojišťovna building and, moving to the River Vltava, the Topič House at Národní třída and a little bit further the Goethe Institut and the house “At Two Thousand”, situated at the quay. To top off our tour we will go to the quarter of Vinohrady and visit the buildings of the Vinohrady Theatre and Vinohrady Market Hall.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Art Nouveau in Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Decastello House – House of the Black Madonna – Cubist lamp post on Jungmannovo Square – Diamant House – Kovarovicova Villa in Neklanova Street – Family Triplex House on Rašínovo Embankment (nábřeží) – Duplex House in Tychonova Street – Ďáblice Cemetery

Meeting point: in front of the Decastello House (Karmelitská 26, Prague 1 - Lesser Twon)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– public transport fares not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Cubism was, originally, a style in French painting of the beginning of the 20th century. The name of the style is derived from the word “cube”. The principle of cubism is to compose a work of art into geometrical shapes so that the result emerges from a stable mass, as it were, and appears to audience as a work full of plastic dynamic structures. Cubism in architecture remained to a large extent a Czech or, more specifically, a Prague phenomenon.

We will meet in the Lesser Town by the Decastello House, built by an architect Emil Králíček in 1913. On the other riverbank we will notice a group of teachers’ houses bearing some cubist elements. We will follow to the most famous cubist building in Prague which was built by Josef Gočár and is located at the corner of Celetná Street: the House of the Black Madonna. You will also find there a collection of Czech cubist art of the National Gallery. A sign of the former baroque house, a Madonna sculpture, has remained there until today. Despite its modern style, the building was designed to integrate into the surrounding historical structure and maintain the atmosphere of the neighbourhood. It features a massive cubist portal, cubist facade, iconic capitals between windows, railings, staircases and other elements. Inside we will see works by leading Czech cubist painters, sculptors and designers: Bohumil Kubišta, Antonín Procházka, Otakar Kubín, Otto Gutfreund, Vlastislav Hofman, Vincenc Beneš, Josef Čapek, Emil Filla, Václav Špála and many others. 

Having learnt so much information on this turbulent period of the Czech art scene, we will head off to Jungmann Square where we will find a cubist column with a lamp. We will follow to the “Diamant” house, located in Spálená Street. It was built between 1912 and 1913 by Matěj Blecha’s construction company and was probably designed by Emil Králíček. We will continue under the Vyšehrad hill where we will admire more cubist buildings: an architect Josef Chochol built a residential house and the Kovarovic Villa in Neklanova Street and designed the Triple House – the central part towering over the other two – at the Rašín quay between 1912 and 1913. 

If we have enough time and energy left, we can add a visit to two semi-detached houses built by Josef Gočár in Tychonova Street and a unique cemetery located in the quarter of Ďáblice where Vlastislav Hofman designed a cemetery wall and entrance pavilions.

Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Prague Cubism"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Hotel Internacional in Dejvice – building of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport – former site of Stalin Monument – Hotel Intercontinental – Hotel Jalta on Wenceslas Square

Meeting point: in front of Hotel Internacional in Dejvice

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– public transport fares not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Just as in other countries, historicist, traditional tendencies celebrating victory prevailed after the Second World War in the Czechoslovak Republic, too. At that time, the atmosphere in Czechoslovakia was strongly pro-Soviet. The communist coup that took place in 1948 brought about significant changes. Socialist realism, established in the 1930s, became a paragon in art. Individuality, abilities and ideas of an individual had to give in to a “collective interest” and quantity in construction... 

We will start with the Hotel International located in Dejvice. It is a tower building constructed in the manner of those that were built in Moscow in the 1930s and 1950s. The building of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport was also constructed in the spirit of Socialist realism. We will follow to the Letná Park, to the place where once was located the Stalin Monument. A monumental pedestal has remained and we will see there a large kinetic sculpture of a Metronome, installed in 1991. 

We will then walk down the hill and cross Čech Bridge to the Hotel InterContinental, designed by architects Karel Filsak, Karel Bubeníček and Jaroslav Švec during a period of a certain political liberalization. Probably the most valuable example of architecture in the style of Socialist realism to be found in the Czech Republic is the Hotel Jalta located in Wenceslas Square. It was designed by an architect Antonín Tenzer and built between 1954 and 1958. The rich segmented front facade of the building is covered with travertine and features a diagonal as an unifying element. The hotel was originally constructed for the Čedok travel agency.

Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Socialist Realism in Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: building of the National Archives Chodov – Czech Savings Bank building on Budějovické Square – Dancing house – Hilton Hotel

Meeting point: Chodov metro station vestibule

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

The main European philosophical movement of the end of the 20th century was postmodernism. The main characteristic of this style is the plurality and equalization of opinions. Therefore, the current situation in art cannot be described referring to a unique style or a trend. Today we could simply say “Different artists – different styles – different opinions”. 

Prague architecture of the Millennium is represented by several buildings which we will visit on our trip. We will not start in Prague’s centre – instead we will meet by the City Archives building in Chodov. It consists of three visually different parts and it has been the seat of the City Archives since 1992. From there we will move to Budějovické Square where an architect Pavla Kordovská designed the Česká spořitelna building. 

Probably the most famous contemporary building to be found in Prague is the Dancing House, situated at the Rašín quay. Surprisingly, this imaginative building is very well integrated in and brightens up the surrounding old buildings. It is supposed to represent Ginger and Fred and it is a wonderful example of two famous architects Frank O. Gehry and Vlado Milunić. On the right bank of the River Vltava, in the Rohanské quay, is located the Hilton hotel, a monumental complex built by Jiří Mergel. 

Another very interesting project is a building of an alternative production house and a theatre called “Alfred ve dvoře”, situated in the quarter of Holešovice. Between 1996 and 1997 Ctibor Turba, a director, choreographer and a mime artist, had the theatre built based on the design of Jindřich Smetana and Tomáš Kulík. The theatre is a garden pavilion consisting of a set of stepped portals interconnected with glass panes. However, we will spend more time in Holešovice and visit Veletržní Palace. The building itself is not contemporary but it contains the collection of contemporary art of the National Gallery. It is quite extensive so we will see just a part. It will also be an opportunity to relax a little bit. We will sit down and discuss some of our controversial contemporary artists presenting their works in the gallery. Right after, we will try something similar during our workshop. After our creative break we will take a metro and move to three new stations of the C line: Střížkov, Prosek and Letňany. It is a project designed by an architect Patrik Kotas, the creator of a tram line from Hlubočepy up to Barrandov, for example. To conclude, we cannot but mention probably the most famous Czech architect, the recently deceased Jan Kaplicky. Unfortunately, we will not be able to see his National Library because it was not allowed to be built but we will have an opportunity to see at least some pictures of his works realized in other cities and countries which made him famous throughout the world. We will also talk a little bit about his studio called Future Systems as well as the political affair that was set off around the planned construction of his design of the National Library in Prague. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Contemporary Art and Architecture in Prague"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Trafačka Gallery – street art at Národní třída (National Boulevard) – Meetfactory Gallery – Černý most

Meeting point: in front of the Gallery Trafačka

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: elementary school 2nd level pupils, secondary school students

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– public transport fares not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Street art is any art created in public spaces. Whereas traditional graffiti artists use unrestrained spraying techniques to create their works, street art involves many various medias and techniques such as wheatpasting, stickers, graffiti stencils, mosaics, video projection and street installations. This is why street art is sometimes referred to as “post-graffiti”. 

In 2008 Prague hosted an exceptional event: the first street art festival called the “Namesfest” and our trip will be inspired by it. For starters, we will learn about the birth of street art, the most famous foreign street artists, the “writers’“ slang and books on street art. We will think about the essence of this form of art, its peculiarities, its pros and cons. One of its advantages is mainly the fact it enables everybody to express their own opinion without limits. All of us who live in the city see many sprayed walls, facades, trains, chimneys and stacks... Do we like graffiti or is it a display of vandalism for us? We will discuss street art from both perspectives. Anybody can pick up a spray can and scribble on the wall – but we will have an opportunity to see genuine masterpieces!

We will start in two spaces dedicated to graffiti art and street art in Prague: the Trafačka gallery and the “Hala C”. After that we will follow directly to streets: Sokolovská Street, the Emco building in Ke Klíčovu Street, a primary school with a decorated facade in Litvínovská Street, to the corner of Bassova and Staromlýnská Street and to Národní třída. In addition, we will have an opportunity to see actual street art creations on the facades of several other buildings: the MeetFactory gallery and buildings in Poděbradská, Čuprova and Na Hrázi Street and near the tube stations Vltavská and Černý Most. We will see works by the famous Czech street artists such as Pasta, Initi, Epos, Cheet, Blink, Masker, Bior, Zipper, etc. During the workshop that will follow we will be able to try sprayers’ techniques and create pieces of our own legally. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Prague Street Art"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: MeetFactory Gallery – A.M 180 Gallery

Meeting point: in front of the MeetFactory Gallery

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours

Recommended for: elementary school 2nd level pupils, secondary school students

Accompanying programme (per order): art workshop

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: NO

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

Even today in our free, democratic republic, the art scene is a phenomenon that is still to a large degree part of the underground scene. Although some galleries in Prague are large buildings with an official character, you can find there also small galleries located in rented spaces and flats, with visitors to private views standing by the entrance or in a backyard holding plastic cups of wine in their hands. Art community is isolated – why not open it to those who are interested in art scene but are not much familiar with the environment or those who might have potential to become part of it? 

We will start in the quarter of Smíchov, in the MeetFactory gallery which holds exhibitions as well as theatre performances, film projections and music events. The famous artist David Černý, for example, has his studio there. From there we will move to a small gallery called “Jelení”. It is a space situated on the ground floor of a rental house. A gallery called “A.M. 180” and a club Utopia was founded by a brother and sister Jakub and Anežka Hošek, both artists. The independent gallery and subculture which was born around it represents the Czech DIY scene. Private galleries selling works by contemporary artists are quite rare in the Czech Republic. We will therefore visit one of them, the Hunt Kastner Artworks, located in Kamenická Street. After an hour’s rest in the Letná Park, we will head off to the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art to take a tour and a workshop.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "The Centre for Contemporary Art"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: painting studio Zdeňka Braunerová in Roztoky u Prahy – Charles Square (Karlovo nám., statue of writer Eliška Krásnohorská and bust of writer Karolína Světlá) – house of Emma Destinnová – Kampa Museum – La Femme Gallery

Meeting point: Roztoky u Prahy (in front of the studio Zdeňka Braunerová)

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 5 hours (walk) + 2 hours (presentation)

Recommended for: pupils of 2nd level elementary school, secondary school students, university students, adults, seniors

Price: starting at 246 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: 
Museum in Roztoky u Prahy -
Kampa Museum -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– if a requirement is placed for preparing a special "tailored" programme, the price is set up individually per agreement and on the basis of the prepared content, level of complexity and resolution of specific requirements received from the client
– admission fees to premises and public transport fares are not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

We have prepared a special trip for girls and ladies as well as gentlemen interested in female topics which follows in the footsteps of famous Czech female artists from different times and fields, followed by a discussion on women in art. 

To kick off, we will go to Roztoky near Prague in the morning where we will visit a nicely renovated studio of a painter Zdenka Braunerová. Back in Prague we will start in Charles Square and talk about two writers, Eliška Krásnohorská and Karolina Světlá, represented by a sculpture and a bust respectively. Moving to Lesser Town Square, we will have a look at the house of a famous diva Ema Destinnová. We will follow to the Kampa park and the Museum Kampa where another important Czech woman, Meda Mládková, has gathered a unique collection of modern Czech and Central European art, including works by many female artists.

Women did not use to play a role as authors in art but instead they were an inspiration for men – artists. Whereas a female artist plays an active part in the creative process, women – models, for example, are passive instead. Paintings inspired by women have been collected and sold by the “La Femme” gallery, which we will visit, of course. And in order not to be just passive audience, we will top off our journey with a discussion on women in art.  
František Ptáček 
On the day 29th May, 2011,  I joined the walk "Wandering through Prague with Women in Art" as the only representative of the male gender. It was an unsurpassed experience for me; I found myself amidst an amiable company of women of different ages and surrounded by a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere which enhanced the understanding of the interesting and inspiring information about the lives and works of women artists from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Using the words of the classicist, it was truly a poetically spent afternoon.
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.
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Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Tales of Women in Art"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

Itinerary: Ctěnice Chateau interiors – park – coach house

Meeting point: in front of Ctěnice Chateau

Date of tour: anytime per your order

Reference length of tour: 2 hours

Recommended for: elementary school pupils, 1st level

Accompanying programme (per order): ride on horseback (especially for children)

Price: starting at 133 CZK/person (for more information view Price list or click on BUY tag)

Admission fees to premises: Ctěnice Chateau area -

Practical details and other information:
– possibility to modify the programme and length of the selected tour according to the client's requirements
– admission fees to premises not included in the price
– payment of the stipulated price can be made either in cash at the meeting point before activity startup, or through bank transfer
– discounts and benefits: 10% loyalty discount for permanent clients, significant discounts for groups (more information here)
Which way shall we go / what shall we talk about:

The Ctěnice Chateau is located in a Prague district of Vinoř. Apart from the chateau itself, the complex includes farm buildings as well. The original Gothic fort was renovated in the Renaissance style in the half of the 16th century. The today’s chateau in the classicizing baroque style was commissioned by the House of Windisch-Grätz at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Following a nationalization it had been falling into disrepair until the end of the 20th century which saw a vast reconstruction. 

An exposition on the Habsburg dynasty called “At the time of the Emperor...” will be our first stop in Ctěnice. We will follow to a coach house, storing some twenty old coaches, barouches and sledges. The most beautiful is definitely the archbishop coach. If children or adults who like to draw come with us, we can start with a workshop. Everyone will draw a coach of their own, maybe with horses, in the Ctěnice park. And to top off the trip, we will enjoy a nice horse ride. 
Please ask us for more information at the e-mail: or phone number:
(+420) 606 746 377. Responses to the most frequented questions are entered under FAQ tag.


Admission fees for entry into premises; other information about price rates:

Price of walk for 1–2 persons per request sent to the following e-mail: or call us 
on the phone number: (+420) 606 746 377

Family = min. 2 adults + 1 child, or 1 adult + 2 children / max. 2 adults + 2 children / age of children 5–15 yrs.

  Order for a walk "Coaches and Horses of the Ctěnice Chateau"

To successfully place an order for your walk, please fill in the Order form (fields flagged with an asterisk are mandatory).
After you send us your order, you will receive the order confirmation by e-mail from us without delay.
In the case of any problems with your order, please contact us at the following
e-mail: or phone number: (+420) 777 102 226.

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